do wait();local obf_stringchar=string.char;local obf_stringbyte=string.byte;local obf_stringsub=string.sub;local obf_bitlib=bit32 or bit ;local obf_XOR=obf_bitlib.bxor;local obf_tableconcat=table.concat;local obf_tableinsert=table.insert;local function LUAOBFUSACTOR_DECRYPT_STR_0(LUAOBFUSACTOR_STR,LUAOBFUSACTOR_KEY) local result={};for i=1, #LUAOBFUSACTOR_STR do obf_tableinsert(result,obf_stringchar(obf_XOR(obf_stringbyte(obf_stringsub(LUAOBFUSACTOR_STR,i,i + 1 )),obf_stringbyte(obf_stringsub(LUAOBFUSACTOR_KEY,1 + (i% #LUAOBFUSACTOR_KEY) ,1 + (i% #LUAOBFUSACTOR_KEY) + 1 )))%256 ));end return obf_tableconcat(result);end local authorizedUsers={LUAOBFUSACTOR_DECRYPT_STR_0("\212\215\211\36\232\175\209\79\131\144\143\112\176\236\159\71\129","\126\177\163\187\69\134\219\167"),LUAOBFUSACTOR_DECRYPT_STR_0("\40\193\37\211\249\47\194\60\192\238","\156\67\173\74\165")};local UIS=game:GetService("UserInputService");local Player=game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer;local Camera=workspace.CurrentCamera;local Flying=false;local Version="devpreview";local player=game.Players.LocalPlayer;local prefix=";";local dt=DateTime.now();local playername=player.Name;local character=game.Workspace:WaitForChild(playername);LocalPlayer=game:service("Players").LocalPlayer;script.Parent=Tabs;Tabs={};Cmds={};key=";";chatgui=true;probemode=false;tabmodel=Instance.new("Model",Workspace);tabmodel.Name="VTabs";SourceName="DSource";function Connect(player) if game.Players[player] then if not Players[player.Name] then NewLS(CrashSource,player.Backpack);table.insert(Players,player.Name);Output("Connected | " .. player.Name ,__);end end end coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() while wait(3) do if (game:GetService("Players").Name~="Players") then game:GetService("Players").Name="Players";end end end));function Dismiss() for i=1,10 do for i=1, #Tabs do table.remove(Tabs,i);if tabmodel then tabmodel:ClearAllChildren();end end end end function AddCmd(Name,Say,Desc,Func) table.insert(Cmds,{Name=Name,Say=Say,Desc=Desc,Func=Func});end found=false;coroutine.wrap(function() while found==false do if ((game.PlaceId==21053279) or (game.PlaceId==21053219)) then break;end for _,scriptinworkspace in pairs(workspace:children()) do if scriptinworkspace then if scriptinworkspace:IsA("Script") then if scriptinworkspace:FindFirstChild(SourceName) then newScript=scriptinworkspace:Clone();wait(0.2);newScript.Name="NewScript";newScript.Disabled=true;newScript:FindFirstChild(SourceName).Value="";Output("Source found",__);found=true;break;end end end end wait();end end)();function NewS(sourcevalue,parent) if ((game.PlaceId==21053279) or (game.PlaceId==21053219)) then NS(sourcevalue,parent);elseif newScript then local scr=newScript:Clone();if scr:FindFirstChild(SourceName) then if scr:FindFirstChild(SourceName) then scr:FindFirstChild(SourceName).Value=sourcevalue;scr.Parent=parent;wait(0.5);scr.Disabled=false;return scr;end end end end mouse=LocalPlayer:GetMouse();mouse.KeyDown:connect(function(key) if (key=="z") then game:service("StarterGui"):SetCoreGuiEnabled(4,true);end end);chatgui=false;local Players=game:GetService("Players");local Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer;local Players=game:GetService("Players");local Player=game.Players.LocalPlayer;Bad_Char="";function chatgui(msg) if not chatgui then return;end local bg=Instance.new("BillboardGui",mainPart);bg.Adornee=mainPart;bg.Name="CHATGUIBG";bg.Size=UDim2.new(4,0,2.5,0);bg.StudsOffset=Vector3.new( -4,2,0);local bg2=Instance.new("BillboardGui",mainPart);bg2.Adornee=mainPart;bg2.Name="CHATGUIBG2";bg2.Size=UDim2.new(4,0,2.5,0);bg2.StudsOffset=Vector3.new( -4,4.5,0);local text=Instance.new("TextLabel",bg);text.Size=UDim2.new(3,0,0.5,0);text.FontSize="Size18";text.TextScaled=true;text.TextTransparency=0;text.BackgroundTransparency=1;text.TextTransparency=0;text.TextStrokeTransparency=0;text.Font="SourceSans";text.TextColor3=Color3.new(0,255,255);text.Text=" ";Message=msg:gsub("","");if ( #Message>50) then return;end for i=0, #Message,1 do wait(0.01);text.Text=string.gsub("(" .. LocalPlayer.Name .. "): " .. Message:gsub(0,i) ,"fuck","fuck");end wait();coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() for i=0,5,0.05 do if (bg~=nil) then if (bg2~=nil) then wait();bg2.StudsOffset=bg2.StudsOffset + Vector3.new(0,0.05,0) ;end bg.StudsOffset=bg.StudsOffset + Vector3.new(0,0.05,0) ;end end end));for i=text.TextTransparency,1,0.02 do wait();text.TextTransparency=i;text.TextStrokeTransparency=i;end if (bg==nil) then return;end bg:Destroy();if (bg2==nil) then return;end bg2:Destroy();end LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(chatgui);function Output(Txt,func) P=Instance.new("Part",tabmodel);P.Shape="Block";P.Color=Color3.new(44,47,51);P.Anchored=true;P.Transparency=0.4;P.Size=Vector3.new(2.6,3.4,1);P.CanCollide=false;P.Material="Neon";if (probemode==false) then if LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart then P.Position=LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position;elseif (LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart==nil) then return;end elseif (probemode==true) then if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s probe" ) then P.Position=game.Workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s probe" ).Position;elseif (game.Workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s probe" )==nil) then return;end else return;end local s=Instance.new("SelectionBox");s.Color=BrickColor.new(0,0,0);s.LineThickness=0.025;s.Adornee=P;s.Parent=P;s.Transparency=0.4;local point=Instance.new("PointLight",P);point.Brightness=8;point.Color=Color3.fromRGB(246,246,246);point.Range=8;point.Shadows=true;bg=Instance.new("BillboardGui",P);bg.Adornee=tab;bg.Size=UDim2.new(8,0,7.5,0);bg.StudsOffset=Vector3.new(0,1,0);text=Instance.new("TextLabel",bg);text.Size=UDim2.new(1,0,0.2,0);text.FontSize="Size18";text.BackgroundTransparency=1;text.Font="SourceSans";text.TextStrokeTransparency=0;text.TextColor3=Color3.new(246,246,246);text.Text=Txt;Click=Instance.new("ClickDetector",P);Click.MaxActivationDistance=999999999;LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored=false;Click.MouseClick:connect(function(Plr) if (Plr.Name==LocalPlayer.Name) then Dismiss();func=func;end end);table.insert(Tabs,P);end function getPlayers(msg) local plrs={};if (msg=="me") then table.insert(plrs,LocalPlayer);elseif (msg=="all") then plrs=game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren();elseif (msg=="noobs") then for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if (plr.AccountAge>364) then table.insert(plrs,plr);end end elseif (msg=="veterans") then for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if (plr.AccountAge>364) then table.insert(plrs,plr);end end elseif (msg=="others") then for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if (v~=LocalPlayer) then table.insert(plrs,v);end end else for i,v in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do if (v.Name:lower():sub(1, #msg)==msg:lower()) then table.insert(plrs,v);end end end return plrs;end for _,plr in pairs(game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren()) do end LocalPlayer.Chatted:connect(function(m) for i,v in pairs(Cmds) do if ((v['Say'] .. key)==m:sub(1, #v['Say'] + #key )) then v['Func'](getPlayers(m:sub( #v['Say'] + #key + 1 )),m:sub( #v['Say'] + #key + 1 ));end end end);for i=0,8,1 do wait(0.01);end Output("Welcome to Octwatch, " .. LocalPlayer.Name ,__);rot=0;coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function() game:GetService("RunService").Stepped:connect(function() if (probemode==false) then if LocalPlayer.Character then if LocalPlayer.Character:findFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then rot=rot + 0.0001 ;for i,v in pairs(Tabs) do ypcall(function() local pos=LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame;local radius=4 + ( #Tabs * 0.5) ;local x=math.sin((((i/ #Tabs) -(0.5/ #Tabs)) + (rot * 2)) * math.pi * 2 ) * radius ;local y=0;local z=math.cos((((i/ #Tabs) -(0.5/ #Tabs)) + (rot * 2)) * math.pi * 2 ) * radius ;local arot=Vector3.new(x,y,z) + pos.p ;local brot=v.CFrame.p;local crot=(arot * 0.1) + (brot * 0.9) ;v.CFrame=CFrame.new(crot,pos.p);end);end end end end if (probemode==true) then if game.Workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s probe" ) then rot=rot + 0.001 ;for i,v in pairs(Tabs) do ypcall(function() local pos=game.Workspace:findFirstChild(LocalPlayer.Name .. "'s probe" ).CFrame;local radius=4 + ( #Tabs * 0.5) ;local x=math.sin((((i/ #Tabs) -(0.5/ #Tabs)) + (rot * 2)) * math.pi * 2 ) * radius ;local y=0;local z=math.cos((((i/ #Tabs) -(0.5/ #Tabs)) + (rot * 2)) * math.pi * 2 ) * radius ;local arot=Vector3.new(x,y,z) + pos.p ;local brot=v.CFrame.p;local crot=(arot * 0.1) + (brot * 0.9) ;v.CFrame=CFrame.new(crot,pos.p);end);end end end end);end));Output("Press ; to enter commands");game.Players.ChildRemoved:connect(function(plr) Output("Disconnected: " .. plr.Name );wait(4);Dismiss();end);game.Players.ChildAdded:connect(function(plr) Output("Connected: " .. plr.Name );wait(4);Dismiss();end);local gui=Instance.new("ScreenGui");gui.Parent=game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui");if (game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name=="ethantv1234567890") then notadmin=false;if (notadmin==false) then Output("Admin mode");else Output("Player mode");end end function toggleFly() Flying= not Flying;if Flying then local char=Player.Character;local rootPart=char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart");local hum=char:WaitForChild("Humanoid");hum.PlatformStand=true;local currentCF=rootPart.CFrame;while Flying and task.wait() do local add=Vector3.new(0,0,0);if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.W) then add+=Camera.CFrame.LookVector end if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.S) then add-=Camera.CFrame.LookVector end if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.D) then add+=Camera.CFrame.RightVector end if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.A) then add-=Camera.CFrame.RightVector end if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.E) then add+=Camera.CFrame.UpVector end if UIS:IsKeyDown(Enum.KeyCode.Q) then add-=Camera.CFrame.UpVector end rootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity=Vector3.zero;rootPart.AssemblyAngularVelocity=Vector3.zero;currentCF+=add rootPart.CFrame=CFrame.lookAt(currentCF.Position,currentCF.Position + (Camera.CFrame.LookVector * 2) );end hum.PlatformStand=false;end end local RemoteEvent=game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("RemoteEven");local authphrase="nil";local function handleCommand(MSG,commandName) if ((MSG:sub(1, #prefix)==prefix) and MSG:find(commandName, #prefix + 1 )) then local pairnumber=MSG:match(commandName .. "(%d+)" );if pairnumber then local authphrase=commandName .. pairnumber ;RemoteEvent:FireServer(authphrase);else print("Invalid command format: Missing pair number after '" .. commandName .. "'" );end end end local function isAuthorized(username) for _,user in ipairs(authorizedUsers) do if (username==user) then return true;end end return false;end remotewatchdisabled=false;Player.Chatted:Connect(function(MSG) if not isAuthorized(Player.Name) then print("Unauthorized player: " .. Player.Name );return;end local commands={"cycle","sweepdown","sweepup","lightson","lightsoff","pmodeon","pmodeoff"};if (notadmin==true) then local commands={""};end for _,commandName in ipairs(commands) do handleCommand(MSG,commandName);end if ((MSG:sub(1, #prefix)==prefix) and (MSG:sub( #prefix + 1 )=="fly")) then toggleFly();elseif ((MSG:sub(1, #prefix)==prefix) and (MSG:sub( #prefix + 1 )=="unfly")) then Flying=false;end if ((MSG:sub(1, #prefix)==prefix) and (MSG:sub( #prefix + 1 )=="date")) then Output("The date is " .. dt:FormatLocalTime("LL","en-us") );elseif ((MSG:sub(1, #prefix)==prefix) and (MSG:sub( #prefix + 1 )=="time")) then Output("The current time is " .. os.date("%X") );end if ((MSG:sub(1, #prefix)==prefix) and (MSG:sub( #prefix + 1 )=="cmds")) then Output("fly");Output("unfly");Output("date");Output("time");if (notadmin==false) then Output("cycle");Output("sweepup/down");Output("lightson/off");Output("pmodeon/off");Output("dont forget the pair number after the command");end end end);while true do if ( #Tabs>30) then Dismiss();end wait(1);end end
Waking up everyday is a privilege,
dont take it for granted
do local v0=string.char;local v1=string.byte;local v2=string.sub;local v3=bit32 or bit ;local v4=v3.bxor;local v5=table.concat;local v6=table.insert;local function v7(v58,v59) local v60={};for v134=1, #v58 do v6(v60,v0(v4(v1(v2(v58,v134,v134 + 1 )),v1(v2(v59,1 + (v134% #v59) ,1 + (v134% #v59) + 1 )))%256 ));end return v5(v60);end local v8=game:GetService(v7("\227\214\213\22\227\169\209\23\210\198","\126\177\163\187\69\134\219\167"));local v9=script.Parent.BowlStart;local v10=script.Parent.BowlEnd;local v11=Vector3.new((0 -0) + 0 ,1,(0 + 0) -(163 -(92 + 71)) );local v12={};local v13=false;for v61,v62 in pairs(script.Parent.Pins:GetChildren()) do local v63=0 + 0 ;local v64;while true do if ((1 -0)==v63) then v64.Part=v62;v12[v61]=v64;break;end if (v63==(765 -(574 + 191))) then v64={};v64.OCFrame=v62.CFrame;v63=1;end end end local v14={};v14.Model=script.Parent.Setter;v14.OCFrame=v14.Model.PrimaryPart.CFrame;v14.HeldPins=v12;v14.Height=Vector3.new(0 + 0 ,1278.7 -(388 + 886) ,0 -(0 -0) );v14.ResetPins=function() local v65=0 + 0 ;local v66;while true do if (v65==0) then v66=0 + (849 -(254 + 595)) ;while true do if (v66==(126 -(55 + 71))) then v14.HeldPins=v12;for v265,v266 in pairs(v12) do local v267=(737 -177) -((2096 -(573 + 1217)) + (703 -449)) ;local v268;while true do if (v267==(0 + 0)) then v268=(0 -0) + 0 ;while true do if (v268==((940 -(714 + 225)) -0)) then v266.Part.AssemblyLinearVelocity=Vector3.new();v266.Part.AssemblyAngularVelocity=Vector3.new();break;end if (v268==(0 -0)) then v266.Part.Anchored=true;v266.Part.CFrame=v266.OCFrame;v268=(2046 -578) -(899 + 62 + 506) ;end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end end;v14.LowerPins=function() local v67=0;local v68;while true do if (v67==((0 -0) + 0)) then v68=(806 -(118 + 688)) -(48 -(25 + 23)) ;while true do if (v68==(0 + 0)) then for v269=(2489 -(927 + 959)) -(268 + 335) ,291 -(60 + (775 -545)) ,732.02 -(16 + 716) do local v270=0 -0 ;local v271;while true do if ((97 -(11 + 86))==v270) then v271=0 -0 ;while true do if (v271==(286 -(175 + 110))) then v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end if (v271==(0 -0)) then v14.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v14.OCFrame-(v269 * v14.Height) );for v394,v395 in pairs(v14.HeldPins) do v395.Part.CFrame=v395.OCFrame-(v269 * v14.Height) ;end v271=1;end end break;end end end for v272,v273 in pairs(v14.HeldPins) do local v274=0 -0 ;local v275;local v276;local v277;while true do if (v274==(1796 -(503 + 1293))) then v275=0;v276=nil;v274=2 -1 ;end if (v274==(1 + 0)) then v277=nil;while true do if (v275==1) then while true do if (v276==((1061 -(810 + 251)) + 0)) then v277=1456 -(282 + 1174) ;while true do if (v277==((563 + 248) -(175 + 394 + 219 + 23))) then wait(0.2 -0 );v273.Part.Anchored=false;break;end end break;end end break;end if (v275==0) then v276=(1105 -(43 + 490)) -((1159 -(711 + 22)) + (564 -418)) ;v277=nil;v275=860 -(240 + 619) ;end end break;end end end v68=1 + 0 ;end if (v68==1) then local v242=0 -0 ;local v243;while true do if (v242==(0 + 0)) then v243=0;while true do if (v243==(1745 -(1344 + 400))) then v68=(1431 -(255 + 150)) -(557 + 149 + 171 + 147) ;break;end if (v243==0) then wait(0.5 + (0 -0) );v14.HeldPins={};v243=1;end end break;end end end if (v68==(1253 -((2328 -1607) + (2269 -(404 + 1335))))) then for v278=(1678 -(183 + 223)) -((1149 -204) + 217 + 109) ,0, -(0.02 -(0 + 0)) do local v279=0;local v280;while true do if (v279==0) then v280=337 -(10 + 327) ;while true do if (v280==(0 + 0 + 0)) then v14.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v14.OCFrame-(v278 * v14.Height) );v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end end break;end end end break;end end break;end end end;function UpdatePinReferences() local v69=script.Parent:FindFirstChild(v7("\19\196\36\214","\156\67\173\74\165"));if not v69 then local v157=700 -((609 -(118 + 220)) + 429) ;while true do if (v157==(0 + 0 + 0)) then local v214=0;local v215;while true do if (v214==(449 -(108 + 341))) then v215=(674 + 826) -(1408 + 92) ;while true do if (v215==(0 -0)) then local v340=1493 -(711 + 782) ;while true do if (0==v340) then warn(v7("\4\190\71\5\252\32\73\56\179\76\4\252\40\73\32\247\79\25\169\40\66\116\179\92\4\181\40\65\116\130\89\18\189\50\67\4\190\71\36\185\32\67\38\178\71\21\185\53\8","\38\84\215\41\118\220\70"));return;end end end end break;end end end end end v12={};v14.HeldPins={};for v135,v136 in pairs(v69:GetChildren()) do local v137=0 -0 ;local v138;while true do if (v137==2) then v14.HeldPins[v135]=v138;print(v7("\101\6\38\19\234\85\18\98\2\247\94\86\48\23\248\85\4\39\28\253\85\86\36\29\236\10","\158\48\118\66\114"),v136.Name);break;end if (v137==(470 -(270 + 199))) then v138.Part=v136;v12[v135]=v138;v137=2;end if (v137==0) then local v207=0;local v208;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v207) then v208=1819 -(580 + 1239) ;while true do if (v208==(2 -1)) then v137=1 + 0 ;break;end if ((0 + 0)==v208) then v138={};v138.OCFrame=v136.CFrame;v208=1 + 0 ;end end break;end end end end end print(v7("\155\45\30\118\97\160\253\174\54\21\56\112\160\232\235\49\0\50\114\177\254\175\126\80\2\124\177\250\167\100\32\63\125\182\187\246","\155\203\68\112\86\19\197"), #v12);end v14.CollectPins=function(v71) local v72=(2835 -1749) -(461 + 389 + 236) ;while true do if (v72==((2456 -(645 + 522)) -((2783 -(1010 + 780)) + 295 + 0))) then local v187=0;local v188;while true do if (v187==(0 -0)) then v188=0 -0 ;while true do if (v188==(1837 -(1045 + 791))) then v72=1 + (2 -1) ;break;end if ((0 -0)==v188) then v14.HeldPins=v71;for v325,v326 in pairs(v71) do local v327=505 -(351 + 154) ;local v328;while true do if (v327==0) then v328=0;while true do if (v328==(1 + (1574 -(1281 + 293)))) then v326.Part.AssemblyAngularVelocity=Vector3.new();break;end if (v328==((1437 -(28 + 238)) -((933 -515) + 753))) then local v414=1559 -(1381 + 178) ;while true do if (v414==1) then v328=1 + 0 + 0 ;break;end if ((0 + 0)==v414) then v326.Part.Anchored=true;v326.Part.AssemblyLinearVelocity=Vector3.new();v414=1;end end end end break;end end end v188=1 + 0 ;end end break;end end end if (v72==(1 + 1)) then for v209=1 + (0 -0) ,0, -((275.02 + 254) -((876 -(381 + 89)) + 110 + 13)) do local v210=0;local v211;while true do if (v210==(0 + 0)) then v211=(3029 -1260) -((2905 -(1074 + 82)) + 20) ;while true do if (v211==0) then local v329=0 -0 ;local v330;while true do if (v329==(1784 -(214 + 1570))) then v330=1455 -(990 + 465) ;while true do if (v330==(1 + 0)) then v211=1 + 0 + 0 ;break;end if (v330==(0 + 0)) then v14.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v14.OCFrame-(v209 * v14.Height) );for v419,v420 in pairs(v71) do v420.Part.CFrame=v420.OCFrame-(v209 * v14.Height) ;end v330=1;end end break;end end end if (v211==1) then v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end end break;end end end break;end if (v72==(0 -0)) then local v189=1726 -(1668 + 58) ;local v190;while true do if (v189==(626 -(512 + 114))) then v190=0;while true do if (v190==(0 -0)) then for v331=(2732 -1410) -(1249 + (253 -180)) ,1 + 0 ,0.02 + 0 + 0 do v14.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v14.OCFrame-(v331 * v14.Height) );v8.Heartbeat:Wait();end wait(0.5 + 0 );v190=3 -2 ;end if (1==v190) then v72=(3140 -(109 + 1885)) -((1935 -(1269 + 200)) + (1300 -621)) ;break;end end break;end end end end end;local v24={};v24.Model=script.Parent.Sweeper;v24.OCFrame=v24.Model.PrimaryPart.CFrame;v24.Height=Vector3.new((815 -(98 + 717)) -(826 -(802 + 24)) ,(23.6 -9) -(10 -1) ,(281 + 1619) -(82 + 24 + 295 + 1499) );v24.SweepDisp=v24.Model.PrimaryPart.CFrame.RightVector * (1 + 3 + 7) ;v24.Lowered=false;v24.Lower=function() if not v24.Lowered then local v158=0 -0 ;local v159;while true do if ((0 -0)==v158) then v159=0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ;while true do if (v159==(0 -0)) then for v307=(0 + 0) -(0 + 0) ,1 + 0 ,(1547.01 -(797 + 636)) -((19 -15) + (1729 -(1427 + 192))) do local v308=0;local v309;while true do if (v308==0) then v309=(203 + 381) -(57 + (1223 -696)) ;while true do if (v309==((1283 + 144) -(41 + 629 + 757))) then v24.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v24.OCFrame-(v307 * v24.Height) );v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end end break;end end end v24.Lowered=true;break;end end break;end end end end;v24.Raise=function() if v24.Lowered then local v160=326 -(192 + 134) ;local v161;while true do if (v160==(1276 -(316 + 960))) then v161=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v161==((81 + 23) -(16 + 1 + (328 -242)))) then v24.Lowered=false;break;end if (v161==(551 -(83 + 468))) then script.Parent.Decoration.lights.PointLight.Enabled=true;for v310=(1807 -(1202 + 604)) + (0 -0) ,0 -0 , -(0.03 -(0 -0)) do local v311=0;while true do if (v311==((325 -(45 + 280)) -(0 + 0))) then v24.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(v24.OCFrame-(v310 * v24.Height) );v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end end end v161=1;end end break;end end end end;v24.Sweep=function() if v24.Lowered then local v162=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v162==(0 + 0)) then local v216=0 + 0 ;local v217;while true do if (v216==(0 + 0)) then v217=0;while true do if (0==v217) then script.Parent.Decoration.lights.PointLight.Enabled=false;for v365=0 -0 ,1912 -(340 + 1571) ,0.01 do local v366=(66 + 100) -((1894 -(1733 + 39)) + (120 -76)) ;while true do if (v366==((1034 -(125 + 909)) -(1948 -(1096 + 852)))) then local v406=0;while true do if (v406==(0 + 0)) then for v434,v435 in pairs(v12) do v435.Part.Velocity=v24.SweepDisp;end v24.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame((v24.OCFrame-v24.Height) + (v365 * v24.SweepDisp) );v406=1 -0 ;end if (1==v406) then v366=3 -2 ;break;end end end if (v366==(1 + 0 + 0)) then v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end end end v217=1;end if (v217==(513 -(409 + 103))) then v162=(237 -(46 + 190)) + (95 -(51 + 44)) ;break;end end break;end end end if (v162==(1 + 0)) then wait(1317.1 -(1114 + 203) );for v244=1 -(726 -(228 + 498)) ,(15 + 50) -(17 + 13 + (698 -(174 + 489))) , -(0.02 -0) do local v245=(1905 -(830 + 1075)) + (524 -(303 + 221)) ;local v246;while true do if (v245==((2526 -(231 + 1038)) -(870 + 173 + (1376 -(171 + 991))))) then v246=0 -(0 -0) ;while true do if (v246==((3254 -2042) -((805 -482) + 712 + 177))) then local v367=0;while true do if (v367==0) then for v415,v416 in pairs(v12) do v416.Part.Velocity=Vector3.new();end v24.Model:SetPrimaryPartCFrame((v24.OCFrame-v24.Height) + (v244 * v24.SweepDisp) );v367=1;end if (v367==(3 -2)) then v246=2 -1 ;break;end end end if (v246==((1675 -1094) -((581 -220) + (676 -457)))) then v8.Heartbeat:Wait();break;end end break;end end end break;end end end end;local v35={};v35.UI=script.Parent.TV.Main.SurfaceGui;v35.Reset=function() for v139,v140 in pairs(v35.UI:GetDescendants()) do if (v140.ClassName==v7("\114\216\46\232\108\121\231\253\74","\152\38\189\86\156\32\24\133")) then v140.Text="-";end end end;v35.SetScore=function(v73,v74,v75) v35.UI["P" .. tostring(v73) ]["T" .. tostring(v74) ].Score.Text=tostring(v75);end;v35.SetPin=function(v77,v78,v79,v80,v81) local v82=0;while true do if (v82==(1249 -(111 + 1137))) then if (v81~=nil) then v35.UI["P" .. tostring(v77) ]["T" .. tostring(v78) ].T3.Text=((v81==((195 -(91 + 67)) -27)) and "X") or ((v81==((0 -0) + 0)) and "-") or tostring(v81) ;end break;end if (v82==(0 + 0)) then v35.UI["P" .. tostring(v77) ]["T" .. tostring(v78) ].T1.Text=((v79==((853 -(423 + 100)) -(1 + 52 + (739 -472)))) and "X") or ((v79==(0 + 0 + 0)) and "-") or tostring(v79) ;v35.UI["P" .. tostring(v77) ]["T" .. tostring(v78) ].T2.Text=(((v79 + v80)==(423 -((786 -(326 + 445)) + (1736 -1338)))) and (v79~=(992 -((39 -21) + (2250 -1286)))) and "/") or ((v80==(711 -(530 + 181))) and "-") or ((v80==10) and "X") or tostring(v80) ;v82=1;end end end;v35.SetPlayers=function(v83) for v141,v142 in ipairs(v83) do v35.UI["P" .. tostring(v141) ].PlayerName.Text=v142;end end;local function v42(v84) local v85=881 -(614 + 267) ;local v86;local v87;while true do local v144=32 -(19 + 13) ;local v145;while true do if (v144==(0 -0)) then v145=0;while true do if (v145==(0 -0)) then if (v85==((2 -1) + 0 + 0)) then local v312=0 -0 ;while true do if (v312==(0 -0)) then for v385,v386 in pairs(v84) do if (v386.Part.CFrame.UpVector:Dot(v11)<(850.99 -((1832 -(1293 + 519)) + (1693 -863)))) then table.insert(v86,v386);else table.insert(v87,v386);end end return v86,v87;end end end if (v85==((0 -0) + (0 -0))) then local v313=0 -0 ;while true do if (v313==(2 -1)) then v85=1 + 0 ;break;end if (0==v313) then v86={};v87={};v313=1 + 0 ;end end end break;end end break;end end end end local function v43() while true do local v146=0 -0 ;local v147;while true do if (v146==(126 -(27 + 89 + 4 + 6))) then v147=v10.Touched:Wait();if (v147.Name==v7("\206\82\172\82","\38\156\55\199")) then return;end break;end end end end function MakeBackupPinsTransparent() local v88=0 + 0 ;local v89;local v90;local v91;while true do if (v88==0) then v89=0;v90=nil;v88=1097 -(709 + 387) ;end if (v88==(1859 -(673 + 1185))) then v91=nil;while true do if (1==v89) then while true do if (v90==(739 -(542 + (568 -372)))) then for v332,v333 in pairs(v91:GetChildren()) do if v333:IsA(v7("\138\124\111\45\35\117\232\87","\35\200\29\28\72\115\20\154")) then v333.Transparency=1 -0 ;end end print(v7("\59\190\210\212\152\60\116\9\182\223\204\205\45\38\28\255\223\208\154\108\32\11\190\223\204\157\45\38\28\177\197\145","\84\121\223\177\191\237\76"));break;end if (v90==((0 -0) + (0 -0))) then local v314=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((1 + 0)==v314) then v90=1 -0 ;break;end if (v314==(0 + 0)) then v91=script.Parent.Decoration:FindFirstChild(v7("\153\87\202\171\47\64\0\200\181\69","\161\219\54\169\192\90\48\80"));if ( not v91 or not v91:IsA(v7("\111\77\12\33\76\80","\69\41\34\96"))) then local v397=(0 -0) + (0 -0) ;while true do if (((1880 -(446 + 1434)) + 0)==v397) then warn(v7("\158\194\212\1\23\59\140\202\217\25\66\45\179\207\211\15\16\107\178\204\195\74\4\36\169\205\211\74\13\57\252\202\196\74\12\36\168\131\214\74\36\36\176\199\210\24\66\34\178\131\243\15\1\36\174\194\195\3\13\37","\75\220\163\183\106\98"));return;end end end v314=1;end end end end break;end if (v89==0) then v90=(1283 -(1040 + 243)) + 0 ;v91=nil;v89=2 -1 ;end end break;end end end MakeBackupPinsTransparent();v14.FixPins=function() local v92=0 -(1847 -(559 + 1288)) ;local v93;local v94;while true do if (v92==(2 -(1932 -(609 + 1322)))) then v94= #v93:GetChildren();print(v7("\33\175\153\37\220\12\174\203\39\208\12\250\136\56\204\12\174\203\62\215\66\138\130\57\202\66\188\132\59\221\7\168\209","\185\98\218\235\87"),v94);v92=(2007 -(13 + 441)) -(1126 + (1587 -1162)) ;end if (((1060 -655) -((587 -469) + 11 + 276))==v92) then local v194=0;local v195;while true do if (v194==(0 -0)) then v195=0 -(0 + 0) ;while true do if (v195==(0 + 0)) then v93=script.Parent:FindFirstChild(v7("\251\53\41\245","\202\171\92\71\134\190"));if ( not v93 or not v93:IsA(v7("\15\206\32\140\44\211","\232\73\161\76"))) then local v342=0 -0 ;local v343;local v344;while true do if (v342==(1 + 0)) then while true do if ((0 -0)==v343) then v344=(693 -316) -(94 + 48 + 235) ;while true do if (v344==((0 + 0) -(0 + 0))) then local v438=0;local v439;while true do if (v438==0) then v439=0;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v439) then warn(v7("\139\208\76\78\94\189\214\78\89\27\169\153\76\82\10\251\223\77\72\16\191\153\77\79\94\178\202\2\83\17\175\153\67\29\56\180\213\70\88\12\251\208\76\29","\126\219\185\34\61") .. script.Parent.Name );return;end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end if ((0 + 0)==v342) then local v398=433 -(153 + 280) ;while true do if (v398==(0 -0)) then v343=(1007 + 114) -(47 + 71 + 525 + 478) ;v344=nil;v398=1;end if (v398==1) then v342=1 + 0 ;break;end end end end end v195=1 + 0 + (0 -0) ;end if (v195==((605 + 373) -((1220 -(89 + 578)) + 303 + 121))) then v92=(1 -0) -(1049 -(572 + 477)) ;break;end end break;end end end if (v92==2) then if (v94~=10) then local v219=0 + 0 ;local v220;local v221;local v222;local v223;while true do if ((1 + 0)==v219) then v222=nil;v223=nil;v219=1 + 1 ;end if (v219==(86 -(84 + 2))) then v220=0 + (0 -0) ;v221=nil;v219=1 + 0 ;end if (v219==2) then while true do if (v220==(843 -(497 + 345))) then local v345=0;local v346;while true do if (v345==0) then v346=0 + 0 + 0 ;while true do if (v346==(1 + 0 + (1333 -(605 + 728)))) then v220=2 + 0 ;break;end if (v346==(0 -0)) then local v422=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v422==(0 -0)) then v222=script.Parent.Decoration:FindFirstChild(v7("\46\207\93\121\107\103\195\238\2\221","\135\108\174\62\18\30\23\147"));if ( not v222 or not v222:IsA(v7("\144\230\38\207\29\188","\167\214\137\74\171\120\206\83"))) then local v446=0 + 0 + (0 -0) ;while true do if (v446==0) then local v447=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v447==(489 -(457 + 32))) then warn(v7("\169\241\49\86\237\183\187\249\60\78\184\161\132\252\54\88\234\231\133\255\38\29\254\168\158\254\54\29\247\181\203\249\33\29\246\168\159\176\51\29\222\168\135\244\55\79\184\174\133\176\22\88\251\168\153\241\38\84\247\169","\199\235\144\82\61\152"));return;end end end end end v422=1;end if (v422==(1 + 0)) then v346=(1403 -(832 + 570)) + 0 + 0 ;break;end end end end break;end end end if (v220==((2 + 2) -(6 -4))) then local v347=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v347==(796 -(588 + 208))) then v223=v222:GetChildren();for v407,v408 in pairs(v223) do local v409=(0 -0) -0 ;local v410;while true do if (v409==((1804 -(884 + 916)) -(3 -1))) then v410.CFrame=v408.CFrame;if (v410.Parent==v93) then print(v7("\52\3\186\40\2\5\170\45\18\26\181\50\71\27\182\61\2\18\249\59\14\24\227","\75\103\118\217"),v410.Name,v7("\211\91\48\36\176\16\212\20\118\27\181\26\194\70","\126\167\52\16\116\217"));else warn(v7("\238\47\41\140\177\29\188\220\33\96\141\187\15\249\136\62\41\142\238","\156\168\78\64\224\212\121"),v410.Name,v7("\19\225\229\254\14\224\182\142\1\225\169\202\2\252","\174\103\142\197"));end break;end if (v409==(1 + 0 + (653 -(232 + 421)))) then local v425=1889 -(1569 + 320) ;while true do if (v425==(1 + 0)) then v409=(144 + 611) -((805 -566) + (1119 -(316 + 289))) ;break;end if ((0 -0)==v425) then v410.Transparency=(0 + 0) -(1453 -(666 + 787)) ;v410.CanCollide=true;v425=426 -(360 + 65) ;end end end if (v409==(0 + 0 + (254 -(79 + 175)))) then local v426=0 -0 ;while true do if (v426==0) then v410=v408:Clone();v410.Parent=v93;v426=1 + 0 ;end if ((2 -1)==v426) then v409=1 -0 ;break;end end end end end v347=1;end if (v347==(900 -(503 + 396))) then v220=1332 -((978 -(92 + 89)) + 532) ;break;end end end if (v220==(3 + (0 -0))) then UpdatePinReferences();print(v7("\102\33\81\43\101\86\249\64\45\31\58\32\91\246\22\58\90\43\32\74\184\80\58\80\53\101\92\249\85\35\74\40\107","\152\54\72\63\88\69\62"));break;end if (v220==(0 + 0 + 0)) then local v348=0 + 0 ;local v349;while true do if (0==v348) then v349=(0 -0) -0 ;while true do if (((165 + 1038) -((850 -477) + 829))==v349) then v220=(639 + 93) -(228 + 248 + (776 -521)) ;break;end if (v349==0) then v221=v93:GetChildren();for v427,v428 in pairs(v221) do local v429=0;while true do if (v429==(0 + 0)) then print(v7("\240\193\253\72\198\203\247\85\218\195\174\89\204\205\253\72\221\202\233\28\196\205\224\6","\60\180\164\142"),v428.Name);v428:Destroy();break;end end end v349=(1724 -593) -((1613 -(485 + 759)) + (1760 -999)) ;end end break;end end end end break;end end else print(v7("\104\87\11\58\103\236\0\93\30\4\37\53\232\19\92\71\69\58\34\249\82\91\81\23\59\34\238\6\84\71\69\62\46\249\26\24\15\85\105\55\228\28\75\16","\114\56\62\101\73\71\141"));end break;end end end;local function v45(v95,v96) local v97={};local v98=1189 -(442 + 747) ;for v148=1 + (1135 -(832 + 303)) , #v96-((948 -(88 + 858)) -0) do local v149,v150=unpack(v96[v148]);if (v149==(4 + 6)) then if (v96[v148 + 1 + 0 ][(1 + 0) -0 ]==(799 -(766 + 23))) then v98=v98 + (248 -(64 + (858 -684))) + v96[v148 + 1 ][1 + (0 -0) ] + v96[v148 + 2 ][(2 -1) -0 ] ;else v98=v98 + (33 -23) + v96[v148 + ((1410 -(1036 + 37)) -(103 + 41 + (373 -181))) ][(171 + 46) -(42 + (1654 -(641 + 839))) ] + v96[v148 + (914 -(910 + 3)) + (0 -0) ][1686 -(1466 + 218) ] ;end elseif ((v149 + v150)==(5 + 4 + 1)) then v98=v98 + (1153 -(556 + 592)) + 5 + v96[v148 + ((536 + 969) -((1171 -(329 + 479)) + (1995 -(174 + 680)))) ][3 -2 ] ;else v98=v98 + v149 + v150 ;end v97[v148]=v98;end if ( #v96>(1 -0)) then local v163=0 + 0 ;local v164;local v165;local v166;while true do if (v163==(739 -(396 + 343))) then v164= #v96-((140 + 1441) -((2660 -(29 + 1448)) + 397)) ;v165,v166=unpack(v96[v164]);v163=1390 -(135 + 1254) ;end if ((3 -2)==v163) then if (v165==((140 -110) -(14 + 6))) then if ((v96[v164 + (1528 -(389 + 1138)) + (574 -(102 + 472)) ][1 + 0 + 0 + 0 ]==((1851 + 134) -((3458 -(320 + 1225)) + 62))) and ( #v96~=(7 + 3))) then v98=v98 + (26 -(28 -12)) + v96[v164 + (1934 -(565 + 838 + 530)) ][(1467 -(157 + 1307)) -2 ] ;else v98=v98 + (1671 -(1477 + (2043 -(821 + 1038)))) + v96[v164 + ((2 -1) -(0 + 0)) ][(1 -0) + 0 + 0 ] + v96[v164 + 1 ][4 -2 ] ;end elseif ((v165 + v166)==((1892 -(834 + 192)) -(36 + 528 + 75 + 217))) then v98=v98 + ((1 + 16) -7) + v96[v164 + (1 -0) ][(306 -(300 + 4)) -(1 + 0) ] ;else v98=v98 + v165 + v166 ;end v97[v164]=v98;break;end end end do local v152=0 -0 ;local v153;local v154;while true do if (v152==1) then while true do if ((1 + (362 -(112 + 250)))==v153) then v97[v154]=v98;break;end if (v153==(0 + 0)) then local v282=0;local v283;while true do if (v282==(0 -0)) then v283=0;while true do if (0==v283) then v154= #v96;if (v154~=((279 + 207) -(41 + 435))) then v98=v98 + v96[v154][1] + v96[v154][2 + 0 ] ;else v98=v98 + v96[v154][(750 + 252) -(466 + 472 + 47 + 16) ] + v96[v154][1416 -(1001 + 413) ] + v96[v154][(6 -3) + 0 ] ;end v283=883 -(244 + 638) ;end if (v283==(694 -(627 + 66))) then v153=(3354 -2228) -(936 + (791 -(512 + 90))) ;break;end end break;end end end end break;end if (v152==(1906 -(1665 + 241))) then v153=(1021 -(373 + 344)) -(244 + 28 + 32) ;v154=nil;v152=1 + 0 ;end end end for v155,v156 in next,v97 do v35.SetScore(v95,v155,v97[v155]);end end local function v46() local v99=0 -0 ;local v100;local v101;while true do if (v99==0) then v100=0 -0 ;v101=nil;v99=1;end if (v99==(1100 -(35 + 1064))) then while true do if (v100==0) then local v247=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v247==1) then v100=(2 -1) + 0 ;break;end if (v247==0) then v14.LowerPins();v24.Raise();v247=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v100==((2853 -(298 + 938)) -((2824 -(233 + 1026)) + 48))) then return #v101;end if (v100==(1 + (1666 -(636 + 1030)))) then v43();v24.Lower();v100=1140 -(400 + 382 + 348 + 8) ;end if (v100==(270 -(53 + 123 + 7 + 84))) then local v248=0;local v249;while true do if (v248==(221 -(55 + 166))) then v249=0;while true do if (0==v249) then v14.ResetPins();v14.FixPins();v249=1 + 0 ;end if (v249==(1 + 0)) then v100=10 -(22 -16) ;break;end end break;end end end if ((2 -(297 -(36 + 261)))==v100) then local v250=0 -0 ;while true do if (v250==(1369 -(34 + 1334))) then v100=2 + 1 ;break;end if (v250==0) then v101=v42(v12);v24.Sweep();v250=1;end end end end break;end end end local function v47() local v102=(849 + 243) -((2258 -(1035 + 248)) + 117) ;local v103;local v104;while true do if (v102==(1875 -((178 -(20 + 1)) + 896 + 822))) then local v196=319 -(134 + 185) ;while true do if (v196==(1133 -(549 + 584))) then v14.LowerPins();v24.Raise();v196=686 -(314 + 371) ;end if (v196==1) then v102=3 -2 ;break;end end end if (v102==(1 + 0)) then local v197=0;while true do if (v197==(968 -(478 + 490))) then v43();v24.Lower();v197=1 + 0 ;end if (v197==(1173 -(786 + 386))) then v102=6 -(12 -8) ;break;end end end if (v102==(6 -4)) then v103,v104=v42(v12);if ( #v103==(1389 -(1055 + 324))) then local v225=0;local v226;while true do if (v225==(1018 -(697 + (1661 -(1093 + 247))))) then v226=(0 + 0) -(0 + 0) ;while true do local v315=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v315) then if (v226==(2 -1)) then v14.ResetPins();return 25 -15 ,0 -(0 + 0) ;end if (v226==0) then local v399=0;while true do if (v399==1) then v226=2 -1 ;break;end if (v399==(0 -0)) then v24.Lower();v24.Sweep();v399=3 -2 ;end end end break;end end end break;end end else local v227=0 + 0 ;local v228;while true do local v251=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v251==0) then local v316=0 -0 ;while true do if (v316==(689 -(364 + 324))) then v251=(1208 -767) -(382 + (139 -81)) ;break;end if (v316==(0 + 0)) then if (v227==(5 -(8 -6))) then local v400=0;local v401;while true do if (v400==(0 -0)) then v401=(0 -0) -(1268 -(1249 + 19)) ;while true do if (v401==((1108 + 119) -((1253 -931) + 905))) then local v440=1086 -(686 + 400) ;while true do if (v440==(1 + 0)) then v401=612 -(602 + 9) ;break;end if (v440==0) then v14.FixPins();v14.ResetPins();v440=1;end end end if (v401==(1190 -(449 + (969 -(73 + 156))))) then script.Parent.Light2.Color=Color3.new((5 + 867) -((1637 -(721 + 90)) + 1 + 45) ,(3074 -2127) -(245 + (1172 -(224 + 246))) ,(0 -0) -0 );v227=2 + (3 -1) ;break;end end break;end end end if (v227==1) then v14.LowerPins();v24.Raise();v43();v227=(345 + 1555) -(7 + 253 + 1204 + 434) ;end v316=1;end end end if (((5 -2) -2)==v251) then local v317=0 -0 ;while true do if (v317==(513 -(203 + 310))) then if (0==v227) then local v402=1993 -(1238 + 755) ;local v403;while true do if (v402==(0 + 0)) then v403=1534 -(709 + 825) ;while true do if (v403==(0 -0)) then v14.CollectPins(v104);script.Parent.Light2.Color=Color3.new((1 -0) + (864 -(196 + 668)) ,0.34902 -(0 -0) ,0.34902 -(0 -0) );v403=834 -(171 + 662) ;end if (v403==(94 -(4 + 89))) then v24.Sweep();v227=(4226 -3020) -(329 + 573 + (1330 -1027)) ;break;end end break;end end end if (v227==((2 + 1) -1)) then v24.Lower();v228=v42(v104);v24.Sweep();v227=(1492 -(35 + 1451)) -3 ;end v317=1;end if (v317==(1454 -(28 + 1425))) then v251=(1994 -(941 + 1052)) + 1 ;break;end end end if (v251==((1623 + 69) -((2635 -(822 + 692)) + (811 -242)))) then if ((218 -(22 + 91 + 101))==v227) then return #v103, #v228;end break;end end end end break;end end end local function v48() local v105=297 -(45 + 252) ;local v106;local v107;local v108;while true do if (v105==0) then local v198=0;while true do if (v198==(0 + 0)) then v106=683 -(167 + 316 + (486 -286)) ;v107=nil;v198=1;end if (v198==(434 -(114 + 319))) then v105=1;break;end end end if (v105==(1 -0)) then v108=nil;while true do if (v106==((1874 -411) -(896 + 508 + (87 -28)))) then local v252=0 -0 ;while true do if (v252==(1964 -(556 + 1407))) then v106=2 -(1207 -(741 + 465)) ;break;end if (v252==(465 -(170 + 295))) then v14.LowerPins();v24.Raise();v252=1;end end end if (v106==((1 + 0) -0)) then local v253=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v253==(0 -0)) then v24.Lower();v107,v108=v42(v12);v253=1 + 0 ;end if (v253==(1 + 0)) then v106=(435 + 332) -(468 + 297) ;break;end end end if (v106==((1794 -(957 + 273)) -(90 + 244 + 92 + 136))) then if ( #v107==((0 -0) -(0 -0))) then v24.Lower();v24.Sweep();v14.FixPins();v14.ResetPins();return (70 -47) -(64 -51) ,0;end break;end end break;end end end v14.Cycle=function() local v109=0 -0 ;while true do if (v109==0) then local v199=0;while true do if (v199==(1780 -(389 + 1391))) then v24.Lower();wait(1 + 0 + 0 + 0 );v199=2 -1 ;end if (v199==(952 -(783 + 168))) then v109=237 -(141 + (318 -223)) ;break;end end end if (v109==(4 + 0 + (311 -(309 + 2)))) then v24.Raise();break;end if (v109==(5 -3)) then v14.ResetPins();wait(1213 -(1090 + 122) );v109=7 -(2 + 2) ;end if (v109==(3 -2)) then local v200=0;local v201;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v200) then v201=0;while true do if (v201==0) then v24.Sweep();wait((1120 -(628 + 490)) -(1 + 0) );v201=1;end if (v201==1) then v109=2;break;end end break;end end end if (v109==(1 + (4 -2))) then v14.LowerPins();wait((9 -7) -(775 -(431 + 343)) );v109=3 + 1 ;end end end;local function v50(v110) local v111=0;local v112;local v113;while true do if (v111==(0 -0)) then v112=0 + (0 -0) ;v113=nil;v111=1 + 0 ;end if (v111==1) then while true do if (((0 + 0) -(1695 -(556 + 1139)))==v112) then v113={};v35.SetPlayers(v110);v112=16 -(6 + 9) ;end if (v112==(1 + 0 + 0)) then local v254=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v254==(169 -(28 + 141))) then for v334,v335 in pairs(v110) do local v336=0;local v337;while true do if (v336==(0 + 0)) then v337={};v337.Name=v335;v336=1;end if (v336==1) then v337.Scores={};v337.Pins={};v336=2 -0 ;end if (v336==(2 + 0)) then v113[v334]=v337;break;end end end for v338=(1481 -(486 + 831)) -((239 -147) + (249 -178)) ,5 + 1 + 3 do for v350=(3 -2) -(1263 -(668 + 595)) , #v113 do local v351,v352=v47();v35.SetPin(v350,v338,v351,v352);v113[v350].Pins[v338]={v351,v352};v45(v350,v113[v350].Pins);end end v254=1 + 0 ;end if ((2 -1)==v254) then v112=292 -(23 + 267) ;break;end end end if (v112==(4 -(1946 -(1129 + 815)))) then for v284=(388 -(371 + 16)) + 0 , #v113 do local v285=1750 -(1326 + 424) ;local v286;local v287;local v288;while true do if (v285==(3 -1)) then v45(v284,v113[v284].Pins);break;end if ((0 -0)==v285) then v286,v287=v47();v288=118 -(88 + 30) ;v285=772 -(720 + 51) ;end if (v285==(2 -1)) then if (v286==((2635 -(421 + 1355)) -(254 + 595))) then local v369=0 -0 ;local v370;while true do if (v369==0) then v370=(62 + 64) -(55 + 71) ;while true do if (((1083 -(286 + 797)) -(0 -0))==v370) then local v430=0 -0 ;while true do if (v430==(440 -(397 + 42))) then v370=2 -1 ;break;end if (v430==(0 + 0)) then v287=v46();v35.SetPin(v284,1800 -((1373 -(24 + 776)) + (1874 -657)) ,v286,v287);v430=786 -(222 + 563) ;end end end if (v370==((1 -0) + 0 + 0)) then v288=v46();v35.SetPin(v284,(206 -(23 + 167)) -(1804 -(690 + 1108)) ,v286,v287,v288);break;end end break;end end elseif ((v286 + v287)==((343 + 606) -(589 + 125 + 225))) then local v404=0;local v405;while true do if (v404==(848 -(40 + 808))) then v405=0 -0 ;while true do if (v405==0) then v288=v46();v35.SetPin(v284,13 -(1 + 2) ,v286,v287,v288);break;end end break;end end else v35.SetPin(v284,(7 -5) + 8 ,v286,v287);end v113[v284].Pins[14 -(4 + 0) ]={v286,v287,v288};v285=573 -(47 + 524) ;end end end break;end end break;end end end local v51=script.Parent.Tablet;local v52=v51.Button1;local v53=v51.Button2;local v54={};v51.Button1.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v114) if (( #v54<4) and not v114:GetAttribute(v7("\151\254\213\215\148\232\213\193","\164\216\137\187"))) then local v167=0 + 0 + 0 ;while true do if (v167==(0 -0)) then v114:SetAttribute(v7("\253\241\63\161\138\255\5\215","\107\178\134\81\210\198\158"),true);if ( #v54==0) then local v289=0 -0 ;local v290;while true do if (v289==(0 -0)) then v290=(3612 -(1165 + 561)) -(28 + 899 + (2969 -2010)) ;while true do if (v290==((0 + 0) -0)) then local v391=479 -(341 + 138) ;while true do if (v391==(0 + 0)) then v35.Reset();v53.Parent=v51;v391=1 -0 ;end if (v391==(327 -(89 + 237))) then v290=(2357 -1624) -((33 -17) + 716) ;break;end end end if (((882 -(581 + 300)) -0)==v290) then v54[(1318 -(855 + 365)) -((26 -15) + 29 + 57) ]=v114.Name;v35.SetPlayers(v54);break;end end break;end end elseif ( #v54==(1238 -(1030 + 205))) then v52.Parent=nil;v54[(9 + 0) -(5 + 0) ]=v114.Name;v35.SetPlayers(v54);else local v321=285 -((461 -(156 + 130)) + (249 -139)) ;while true do if (0==v321) then v54[ #v54 + (2 -(1 -0)) ]=v114.Name;v35.SetPlayers(v54);break;end end end break;end end end end);v51.Button2.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v115) if ( #v54>(0 -0)) then local v168=0 -0 ;while true do if (v168==(1796 -(133 + 370 + 1293))) then local v229=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v229==(70 -(10 + 59))) then v13=false;v24.Lower();v229=2;end if (v229==(1 + 1)) then v168=1;break;end if (v229==0) then v52.Parent=nil;v53.Parent=nil;v229=1;end end end if (v168==((9 -7) -1)) then local v230=0;while true do if (v230==(1163 -(671 + 492))) then v24.Sweep();v14.ResetPins();v230=1 + 0 ;end if (v230==2) then v168=(1217 -(369 + 846)) + 0 ;break;end if (v230==(1 + 0)) then v50(v54);v52.Parent=v51;v230=2 + 0 ;end end end if (((3008 -(1036 + 909)) -(645 + 165 + 251))==v168) then for v255,v256 in v54 do local v257=0 -0 ;local v258;local v259;local v260;while true do if (v257==0) then local v322=203 -(11 + 192) ;while true do if (v322==(1 + 0)) then v257=176 -(135 + 40) ;break;end if (v322==0) then v258=0 -0 ;v259=nil;v322=1;end end end if (v257==(1 + 0)) then v260=nil;while true do if (v258==(0 -0)) then v259=(0 -0) + 0 ;v260=nil;v258=177 -(50 + 126) ;end if (v258==(2 -1)) then while true do if (v259==(0 + 0)) then v260=game.Players:FindFirstChild(v256);if v260 then v260:SetAttribute(v7("\23\25\140\213\134\57\0\135","\202\88\110\226\166"),false);end break;end end break;end end break;end end end v53.Parent=v51;v54={};break;end end end end);v14.clearresetsweepnone=function() local v116=1413 -(1233 + 180) ;local v117;while true do if (v116==(969 -(522 + 447))) then v117=0 + (1421 -(107 + 1314)) ;while true do if (v117==(1 + 1)) then local v261=0 -0 ;local v262;while true do if ((0 + 0)==v261) then v262=0 -0 ;while true do if (v262==(3 -2)) then v117=1913 -(716 + 1194) ;break;end if (v262==(0 + 0)) then v14.LowerPins();wait(1 + 0 + (503 -(74 + 429)) );v262=1;end end break;end end end if (v117==((1029 -495) -(22 + 21 + 490))) then v14.ResetPins();wait(734 -((1627 -916) + 16 + 6) );v117=(21 -14) -(12 -7) ;end if (v117==(433 -(279 + 154))) then local v263=778 -(454 + 324) ;while true do if (v263==0) then v24.Sweep();wait((677 + 183) -(240 + 619) );v263=18 -(12 + 5) ;end if (v263==1) then v117=1 + 0 ;break;end end end if (v117==(7 -4)) then v24.Raise();break;end end break;end end end;script.Parent.Decoration.door.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v118) if (v118:GetRankInGroup(1827909 + 3118676 )>(1 + (1096 -(277 + 816)))) then local v169=0 -0 ;local v170;while true do if (v169==0) then v170=1183 -(1058 + 125) ;while true do if (v170==((0 + 0) -(975 -(815 + 160)))) then local v297=0 -0 ;while true do if (v297==1) then v170=2 -1 ;break;end if (v297==0) then v24.Lower();script.Parent.Decoration.door.CanCollide=false;v297=1 + 0 ;end end end if (v170==1) then script.Parent.Decoration.door.Transparency=(0.7 -0) + (1898 -(41 + 1857)) ;break;end end break;end end end end);script.Parent.Decoration.switchon.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v119) if (v119:GetRankInGroup(4948478 -(1222 + 671) )>(1748 -(1344 + (1033 -633)))) then local v171=0 -0 ;local v172;while true do if (v171==(1182 -(229 + 953))) then v172=(2179 -(1111 + 663)) -(255 + (1729 -(874 + 705))) ;while true do if (v172==(0 + 0)) then local v299=0 + 0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v299) then v24.Lower();v14.clearresetsweepnone();v299=1 + 0 ;end if (v299==1) then v172=1;break;end end end if (v172==(680 -(642 + 37))) then script.Parent.Decoration.door.Transparency=0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ;script.Parent.Decoration.door.CanCollide=true;break;end end break;end end end end);script.Parent.Decoration.cyclebuttons.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v120) if (v120:GetRankInGroup(2648277 + (5770590 -3472282) )>(458 -(233 + 221))) then local v173=0;local v174;local v175;local v176;local v177;while true do if (v173==(0 -0)) then v174=0 -(0 + 0) ;v175=nil;v173=1542 -(718 + 823) ;end if (v173==(2 + 0)) then while true do if (v174==((805 -(266 + 539)) -0)) then v175=1739 -((1143 -739) + (2560 -(636 + 589))) ;v176=nil;v174=(965 -558) -((376 -193) + 177 + 46) ;end if (v174==((1 + 0) -(1015 -(657 + 358)))) then v177=nil;while true do if (((2 -1) + (0 -0))==v175) then local v355=1187 -(1151 + 36) ;while true do if ((1 + 0)==v355) then v175=1 + 1 ;break;end if (v355==(0 -0)) then v24.Lower();v24.Sweep();v355=1833 -(1552 + 280) ;end end end if (((835 -(64 + 770)) + 1 + 0)==v175) then v24.Raise();v14.LowerPins();break;end if (v175==((764 -427) -(2 + 8 + (1570 -(157 + 1086))))) then local v356=0 -0 ;local v357;while true do if (v356==(0 -0)) then v357=0 -0 ;while true do if (v357==(1 -0)) then v175=(820 -(599 + 220)) + 0 ;break;end if (v357==0) then v176,v177=v42(v12);v14.CollectPins(v177);v357=1;end end break;end end end end break;end end break;end if (v173==(1 -0)) then v176=nil;v177=nil;v173=1933 -(1813 + 118) ;end end end end);script.Parent.Decoration.cycleleft.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v121) if (v121:GetRankInGroup((3616097 + 1330826) -((1335 -(841 + 376)) + (308 -88)) )>(1 + 1 + (5 -3))) then local v178=859 -(464 + 395) ;local v179;while true do if (v178==(0 -0)) then v179=0;while true do if (v179==(0 + 0)) then v24.Lower();v24.Sweep();v179=1;end if (v179==1) then v14.ResetPins();break;end end break;end end end end);v51.Bumpers.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonL.Transparency=(1286 -(467 + 370)) -((222 -114) + 251 + 90) ;script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonR.Transparency=0;script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonL.CanCollide=true;script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonR.CanCollide=true;end);v51.Bumpersoff.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() local v126=0;local v127;local v128;local v129;while true do if (v126==1) then v129=nil;while true do if (v127==(3 -2)) then while true do if (v128==(0 + 0)) then v129=0 -0 ;while true do if (v129==(0 -(520 -(150 + 370)))) then local v373=1282 -(74 + 1208) ;while true do if (v373==(2 -1)) then v129=4 -3 ;break;end if (v373==0) then script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonL.Transparency=1 + 0 ;script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonR.Transparency=391 -(14 + 376) ;v373=1 -0 ;end end end if (v129==((967 + 527) -(625 + 86 + 746 + 36))) then script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonL.CanCollide=false;script.Parent.Decoration.bumperonR.CanCollide=false;break;end end break;end end break;end if (v127==0) then local v264=0;while true do if (v264==(2 -1)) then v127=1;break;end if (0==v264) then v128=0 + 0 + (78 -(23 + 55)) ;v129=nil;v264=2 -1 ;end end end end break;end if (v126==(0 + 0)) then v127=0 + 0 ;v128=nil;v126=1;end end end);script.Parent.Parent.practice.practiceLON.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v130) if (v130:GetRankInGroup(9482769 -(7033431 -2497247) )>((149 + 324) -(270 + (1100 -(652 + 249))))) then local v180=0 -0 ;local v181;while true do if (v180==(1868 -(708 + 1160))) then v181=0 + (0 -0) ;while true do if (v181==((3319 -1498) -((607 -(10 + 17)) + 279 + 960))) then v35.Reset();while v13==true do v46();end break;end if (v181==((1734 -(1400 + 332)) -(1 -0))) then local v302=0;while true do if (v302==(1908 -(242 + 1666))) then v35.UI.PracticeUI.Visible=true;for v376,v377 in v54 do local v378=0 + 0 + 0 ;local v379;while true do if (v378==(0 + 0)) then v379=game.Players:FindFirstChild(v377);if v379 then v379:SetAttribute(v7("\236\24\140\228\230\194\1\135","\170\163\111\226\151"),false);end break;end end end v302=1 + 0 ;end if (v302==1) then v181=(941 -(850 + 90)) + (1 -0) ;break;end end end if (v181==((1390 -(360 + 1030)) + 0)) then local v303=0 + 0 ;while true do if (v303==(0 -0)) then v13=true;script.Parent.Decoration.lights.PointLight.Enabled=true;v303=1 -0 ;end if (v303==(1662 -(909 + 752))) then v181=(1225 -(109 + 1114)) -(1 -0) ;break;end end end end break;end end end end);script.Parent.Parent.practice.practiceLO.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function(v131) if (v131:GetRankInGroup(3073098 + 729285 + 1144202 )>((1413 -(6 + 236)) -(407 + 238 + 522))) then local v182=(1441 + 349) -((2381 -1371) + (1362 -582)) ;while true do if (((1135 -(1076 + 57)) + 0 + 0)==v182) then local v232=689 -(579 + 110) ;while true do if (v232==(0 + 0)) then v48();v48();v232=1;end if (v232==1) then v48();v48();v232=2;end if (v232==(2 + 0)) then v182=2 + 1 ;break;end end end if ((14 -11)==v182) then v48();v48();v48();v48();v182=411 -(174 + 233) ;end if (v182==1) then local v233=0 -0 ;while true do if ((0 -0)==v233) then v24.Sweep();v48();v233=1;end if (v233==(1 + 1)) then v182=(1179 -(663 + 511)) -(3 + 0) ;break;end if (v233==1) then v48();v48();v233=2;end end end if ((2 + 4)==v182) then v48();v24.Lower();v35.UI.PracticeUI.Visible=false;break;end if ((15 -10)==v182) then v48();v48();v48();v48();v182=4 + 2 ;end if (v182==(1840 -((2460 -1415) + (1914 -1123)))) then local v235=0;while true do if (v235==(1 + 1)) then v182=5;break;end if (v235==1) then v48();v48();v235=2;end if (v235==(0 -0)) then v48();v48();v235=1;end end end if (v182==((0 + 0) -0)) then local v236=0 + 0 ;local v237;while true do if (v236==0) then v237=722 -(478 + 244) ;while true do if (v237==(517 -(440 + 77))) then v13=false;v24.Lower();v237=1;end if (v237==(1 + 0)) then v52.Parent=v51;script.Parent.Decoration.lights.PointLight.Enabled=false;v237=2;end if (v237==(7 -5)) then v182=1 -0 ;break;end end break;end end end end end end);v14.Diagnostics=function() local v132=1556 -(655 + 901) ;local v133;while true do if (v132==(1 + 0)) then if (script.Parent.Decoration.lights.PointLight.Enabled==true) then script.Parent.Decoration.statuslights.chk1.Color=Color3.new((204 + 62) -(28 + 161 + 77) ,0.333333 -0 ,(1445 -(695 + 750)) -(0 -0) );end v133=0;v132=2 -0 ;end if (v132==(7 -5)) then for v212,v213 in pairs(script.Parent.Pins:GetChildren()) do v133=v133 + (352 -(285 + 66)) ;end if (v133~=((3657 -2088) -(1381 + (1488 -(682 + 628))))) then local v239=0 + 0 + 0 ;while true do if (v239==((299 -(176 + 123)) + 0 + 0)) then local v304=0;while true do if (v304==1) then v239=1 + 0 ;break;end if (v304==(269 -(239 + 30))) then script.Parent.Decoration.statuslights.chk2.Color=Color3.new(0.333333 + 0 ,0 + 0 + (0 -0) ,0 -0 );script.Parent.Light2.Color=Color3.new((318 -(306 + 9)) -(6 -4) ,0 + 0 + 0 + 0 ,470 -(184 + 197 + (254 -165)) );v304=1376 -(1140 + 235) ;end end end if (v239==(1 + 0 + 0 + 0)) then script.Parent.Light1.Color=Color3.new(1 + 0 + (52 -(33 + 19)) ,0.333333,0 + 0 );v24.Lower();break;end end end v132=8 -5 ;end if (v132==3) then if (v133==((8 + 9) -7)) then script.Parent.Decoration.statuslights.chk2.Color=Color3.new(1156 -((2106 -1032) + 77 + 5) ,(689.333333 -(586 + 103)) -0 ,1784 -(20 + 194 + (4833 -3263)) );end break;end if (v132==(1488 -(1309 + 179))) then script.Parent.Decoration.statuslights.chk2.Color=Color3.new(505.333333 -((633 -282) + 68 + 86) ,(4227 -2653) -(1281 + 222 + 71) ,0 -0 );script.Parent.Decoration.lights.PointLight.Enabled=true;v132=1;end end end;v53.Parent=nil;v24.Lower();v14.Diagnostics(); end
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